Two Friends, One Surf Shop, an Unforgettable Journey

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A Defiant Dream Chased Against the Odds

Little Giant captures the unexpected success of David and Yair’s journey from rookie retailers to wildly successful cofounders.  When the two friends started Bula Surf Shop in 2003 on a shoestring, they gave themselves three simple rules to live by: stay best friends, have fun, and do something good for the community. Fueled by their passion for ocean sports, they wanted to create a magnetic community hub where everyone felt welcome…and they could show up for work with sand between their toes.

With the high failure rate of most start-ups, their friends in conventional careers didn’t think they’d last a year.

This compelling exploration solves the mystery of how to thrive through intense difficult waves. The inquisitive author interweaves oral histories as well as psychological studies to enliven our understanding of our own dreams, life, and work. Elizabeth Garber, author of the memoir Sailing at the Edge of Disaster 

Small Island, Big Dreams

David and Yair set up shop on the Caribbean island of Aruba, Yair’s native country. As self-made entrepreneurs, they faced the usual dark moments of personal doubt, financial worries, and a revolving door of employee issues.

More than once they feared for Bula’s survival, but the shop thrived on community support that never wavered. Against long odds, they transformed Bula from a nondescript space into a thriving business that elevates and humanizes the retail experience. Their story proves you don’t have to live in Silicon Valley or have a fancy MBA to succeed as a start-up innovator.

Much more than the standard will-they-succeed story! In our fractured world, it feels good to get an intimate glimpse of a small but meaningful surf shop in a close-knit island community. Elana Kupor, essayist and therapist in Seattle, Washington

Uncommon Inspiration

Little Giant  recounts the full arc of the journey, from David and Yair’s early rookie defeats to their personal and business breakthroughs. You’ll discover unconventional lessons like:

– How viral ideas spread on grassroots networks
– The hidden power of staying small and keeping things simple
– How to cultivate an instantly memorable “Purple Cow” brand
– Why our relationships matter more than we think

This book is for anyone who wants to start their own business…transition to a new creative field…or get inspired by two mavericks who refused to settle for what society expected of them. 


This is a very human book about choices, and what can happen when people truly love each other. It depicts a different way of life and doing business, where you can have your cake and eat it too! It’s full of inspiration, humor, and wisdom.  Mickey Green, award-winning filmmaker

  Rare Glimpses of a Caribbean Lifestyle

With stunning photos of  remote beaches, towering cacti, and exotic wildlife, Little Giant transports you to a world tourists rarely see. They’re the kind of images that make you smile and relax at the same time.

What you won’t see in the book: checklists, formulaic advice, or tidy lessons. That’s because David and Yair openly admit they never had a ten-point plan or magic mantra. As they jokingly like to say, “We went from stupid to less stupid!” Their self-effacing humor and honesty offer a welcome change from typical self-serving business books.


The characters and their stories moved and delighted me, and the book itself is gorgeous…the work of a pro writer and a pro designer. Shelley Sperry, author of What’s the Big Idea?

Ready to Ride the Wave of New Possibilities?

Little Giant is for anyone who’s ever dreamed of taking a bold leap, but never quite made it happen.

Subscribe today. You’ll instantly get free sample chapters and the occasional update about the book…and the documentary it inspired. Stay tuned!

This isn’t just a book that appeals to young surfers–it has appeal for so many different readers. The author weaves her own path, insight, and knowledge into the story. Who hasn’t been frustrated in life? Had a dream? This book brought tears to my eyes.”  Tish Manning, educator

I was utterly surprised and captivated by this book. I expected a straightforward story about two friends opening a successful retail business. Instead, the author weaves together moving interviews of the two cofounders with fascinating quotes from authors, artists, philosophers, and psychologists. The result is an inspiring guide to creating a meaningful life by following your passions. Betsey Feeley, former coordinator of the Literature Award Program at the American Academy of Arts and Letters

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